Supporting your Child/Teen’s Adjustment to Phone-Free School Days

Our modern world has provided us with access to instant communication through our smartphones and other devices.  This technology, and the content it delivers, impacts both adults and children/teens in ways which we are beginning to better understand.  It influences the brain’s reward centers and can have a significant impact especially on the brains of children and teens that continue to grow up to age 25.


Emerging science is better defining specific risks around cell phone use, screen time, and social media access as to its potential negative impacts on children and teens. (Social Media and Youth Mental Health, Surgeon General Advisory)


The new Mercer Island School District policy around cell phone use during the school day is responsive to the science of known risks and benefits. However, like other changes that may have impact in the social-emotional-behavior domain, many children and teens may benefit from parental support through the transition.


Mercer Island Youth and Family Services (YFS) has created a resource to help parents support their children during the transition to phone-free school days. The resource follows a five-step parenting process that is part of the Parenting Mercer Island online tool.  This five-step process can help you and your child/teen adjust to the new phone-free school policy.  It also promotes important life skills in your child/teen.  This same process can be utilized to support many everyday parenting challenges.  Visit Parenting Mercer Island to learn more about the parenting process.

Access the full resource or summary of the
Parent Resource by selecting the version below.



Supporting your
Child/Teen’s Adjustment
to Phone-free School Days



Supporting your
Child/Teen’s Adjustment to Phone-free School Days


For additional parenting tips and resources, visit


Parenting Mercer Island Parent Lab


MI Healthy Youth Forum 2024 - RECAP